Keeping Your Mouth Healthy

It is ready to be replaced when you notice folded hair, but don’t wait that long. Even a straight brush tip can become dull rather than rounded and can cause tooth and tooth stain injuries. See also your dentist twice a year to clean your teeth.

But you also have to brush your teeth at night to remove bacteria that have accumulated in your mouth and teeth during the day. Studies suggest that oral bacteria and inflammation associated with severe gum disease may play a role in some diseases. And certain diseases, such as diabetes and HIV / Zahnarzt Zürich AIDS, can reduce the body’s resistance to infection, making oral health problems more serious. Leaving a few minutes aside every day to take care of your teeth and keep your daily habits in mind are the best ways to keep your smile healthy. Below are 11 tips to keep your teeth healthy and shiny.

Your teeth are exposed to less sugar when you eat a single gift than when you eat snacks constantly. This approach meets your need for a holiday gift and reduces the risk of caries. In addition, fluoride can not only prevent tooth decay, but can also undo some of its effects. It is the general recommendation that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. While the morning breath can encourage you to brush your teeth in the morning, many of us neglect to brush our teeth at night.

Keeping aware of your dental health before any of these problems arise can be of great help in maintaining your overall health. Here are four simple tips that make a big difference in your oral health. Flossing is very important once a day to remove plaque from places where your toothbrush cannot reach. If not addressed and removed, this plate builds up and hardens. Which then turns into tartar and needs to be cleaned by a professional.

Vitamine C bevordert de gezondheid van kauwgom, dus eet veel bronnen, waaronder citrusvruchten, tomaten, paprika’s, broccoli, aardappelen en spinazie.

Unfortunately, sugar feeds oral bacteria and emits an acid by-product that eats enamel, increasing sensitivity, tooth decay and tooth decay. Studies show that using mouthwash at least once a day is beneficial for your oral health. Mouthwash works by reducing the amount of acid in the mouth and re-mineralizing the teeth, which essentially rebalances everything.

Het is omdat je tanden op veel manieren belangrijk zijn. Als je voor ze zorgt, zullen ze je helpen voor jezelf te zorgen. Sterke, gezonde tanden helpen je op het juiste voedsel te kauwen om je te helpen groeien. En ja, ze helpen je om jezelf zo goed mogelijk te zien. Vermijd jeuk en probeer tijdens de maaltijd alleen suikerhoudend voedsel en dranken te eten, waardoor de tijd dat je tanden worden aangevallen, wordt verkort.

These drinks not only cause tooth decay, but also leave stains on the surfaces of the teeth. Drinking water is beneficial for your oral and general health. Make sure to drink a glass of water after each meal to help wash the food or bacteria in your mouth. Foods with starch such as rice, crackers, pasta, etc.split into simple sugars that produce acid-producing bacteria in the mouth, they feed. The acid produced by such bacteria can affect the enamel and cause cavities. If it is sweet, consider reducing or completely avoiding sugary treats and processed foods.


