LED Street Lights Save Money and Help the Environment

With rapid progress being made in semiconductor technology, LEDs are becoming the ideal solution for street and other outdoor area lighting. Due to their long life, uniform brightness and illumination, LEDs represent the next generation of lighting. This state-of-the-art technology provides maximum light output and uses significantly less power than traditional street lighting.

Not surprisingly, LEDs are becoming one of the most economic, environmentally friendly, and energy savings products in the world. They are extremely cost-effective, with costs falling as much 50 percent and are engineered for energy efficiency as well as environmental sustainability. The rapid growth of this technology delivers incredible quality and performance, making it very likely that LEDs will completely replace conventional lighting technologies in a few years.

One example for saving cost and our environment LED Street Light through replacing old street lights with new LED lights: The city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, last year installed 58 new LED light fixtures in some rental housing areas near the University. Ann Arbor was looking at ways to improve lighting in the area while keeping costs as low as possible. These new street light fixtures are expected to cut energy costs by 50 perfect and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Since Ann Arbor will be saving almost $6,000 a year on their energy bill, the cost of these LED street lighting fixtures will pay for themselves in 4 years.

Ann Arbor has made a conscious effort to start switching their outdoor lights to LED street lights since 2006. The city has installed more 1,300 LED light fixtures since and has hundreds more planned for the coming years.

LED technology is the best option for cities, it can save them significant amounts of money, reduce carbon dioxide emissions and greatly reduce maintenance costs since LED street lights usually do not require any maintenance for 10 years. Conventional street lighting is a thing of the past, most cities and many private land owners are now upgrading to the new technology at a rapid pace.






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