There are at least thirteen crystal skulls, all of which have been found in Mexico, Central America and South America. All these skulls are beautiful and are believed to have mystical power. They are all believed to be of ancient origin between the ages of 5,000 and 36,000 years old. These skulls, all of which were found near the Mayan and Aztec monuments, became one of the greatest mysteries of the archaeological world in the 20th century and now in the 21st century. There are many legends about crystal turtles, and one of the most famous is the skull of Mitchell-Hedges.
F. A. Mitchell-Hedges was a British explorer who went on an expedition to discover Atlantis in 1924 when he claimed that his daughter Anna had found a crystal skull. He provided the world with a complete account of the find and how he came to bring the skull home, instead of leaving it to the Mayan people. However, his story was disputed when the British Museum proved they were the bidders for the skull at Sotherby’s auction – the same auction where Mitchell-Hedges was the highest bidder! However, this does not help us to determine the origin of the skull. It has been processed to the smallest detail and technically very similar to a real human skull, and its manufacture would be very difficult even today. At least, there is tremendous respect for the manufacturer of the part and still remains a mystery technique and the tools used.

It would be impossible to talk about legends about crystal turtles without mentioning the name of Eugene Boban. Boban was a French archaeologist who worked closely with the Mexican court of Maximilian. It seems that through his hands passes several crystal skulls. One ended up in Trocadero (a forerunner of Muse de l’Homme), and the other went to the British Museum through Tiffany’s in New York. These two skulls are very similar. It is now believed that both were created in the 19th century and have nothing to do with the ancient Mayan civilization. The only connection between them and Mexico is probably Boban.
Some argue that even the Skull of Mitchell-Hedges is a relatively modern work, and some consider it a copy of the skull from the British Museum. However, this does not solve the question of how these skulls were created, and in some ways only adds to the legends and mysteries of crystal skulls.
Some skulls are still on display in museums as ancient Mayan artifacts. Some of them, such as the British Museum, display skulls, but they do not claim authenticity and even openly call them fake. The mystery of the legends of the crystal turtles may never be solved. There are so many skulls, so many legends and so many people passionately believing in skulls that it seems that the truth about all of them will never be revealed. Boban could have known more about his grave than anyone else, and may have died knowing that he had made a lot of noise in the archaeological world.
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