Each season brings a new trend or fashionable element in jewelry, from gold of different colors to massive bracelets and rows and rows of pearls. One hot trend that seems to have gone through many, many seasons and is getting hotter and hotter is the tendency to find skulls in jewelry. Whether you find them on massive necklaces, elegant earrings or trendy rings, they seem to find their place on the catwalks of haute couture and everyday walks.
Necklaces, rings, pendants, bracelets … All these items can be decorated with a large or small accessory in the form of a skull. Both women and men can easily wear skulls because they are fashionable in different ways. A man can come to the office dressed in a suit with a tie and a small pendant in the form of a skull on a chain on the collar of a shirt or modestly on cufflinks, telling about his soldiers at the weekend. Or those who wear heavy silver chains with skulls all day, can go on a date with a small bracelet-suspension with a skull, which is well dressed. The possibilities are endless.

It may seem to women that pendants with skulls or belt buckles are not suitable. This is far from the case! There are so many handbags and dresses that are based on skull design, and women need jewelry to align with them. Whether you’re adding a large skull pendant to your outfit to complement your skull-thong handbag, or adding a noticeable skull bracelet to your work attire, the skull design fits perfectly into your ensemble.
You can find beautiful silver skulls with colorful eye jewelry, or gold skulls with diamond eyes, or even a skull with a diamond instead of teeth. Designs are endless and in many ways will fit into your wardrobe. A skull-shaped pendant decorated with precious stones will play around your cleavage in the club; A silver ring-skull with ruby-red eyes can attract the attention of everyone who sits in a cafe or restaurant. The charm of jewelry with skulls is that they are both fashionable and a little bold. People tend to look twice when you wear it, especially when you wear it with a really saucy suit or gorgeous dress.
So whether you’re wearing a large silver ring with a skull at a big council meeting or you have hanging earrings that glow in the sun when you stroll along the promenade, the elegant nature of jewelry with skulls is a must. seems to leave. One way or another. It seems that with each season more trends for men and women. Beautiful design can showcase your fun and chic side or demonstrate the style of a weekend warrior. Fashionable and stylish, you can’t go wrong with a smiling skull.
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